@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » FTP客戶端_FileZilla 3.1.3 - Final_支持斷點續傳功能

2008-9-22 05:05 le2712
[size=2]【軟體名稱】:FileZilla 3.1.3 - Final
【檔案大小】:3.50 MB
一個免費的 FTP 客戶端軟件,雖然它是免費軟件,可功能卻一點也不含糊,比起那些共享軟件來有過之而無不及,在新的版本中作者改進了手動下載的界面和功能等,不過該軟件暫時還是不支持斷點續傳功能。總的來說是一款優秀的免費軟件。
Changes in FileZilla 3.1.3 (2008-09-21):
+ New socket event handling system, more flexible and a bit faster
+ Performance improvements for local directory tree
- MSW: Using prefix search to select an item now also changes the startpoint for a multiple selection.
- Fix directory creation logic if the directory to create is a root directory
+ Keep remote directory tree and file list if disconnected by the server. Transparently reconnect before performing the next operation.
- OS X: Massive performance improvements
- Various small performance improvements
- Fzsftp no longer crashes if receiving invalid data from server and instead quits gracefully
- Fix crash if entering hostname with characters not allowed in internationalized domain names
- OS X: Fix crash if path to FileZilla contained non-ASCII characters
- Compatibility with yet another exotic directory listing format
[img]http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh191/le2736/EFS.jpg[/img]Homepage - [url]http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla[/url]

[url]http://depositfiles.com/files/8131510[/url]  [/size]

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