@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦軟件資源 » [影像編修]BetterJPEG v2.0.0.3

2008-8-26 13:16 JICKYLE
[影像編修]BetterJPEG v2.0.0.3
【檔案名稱】: BetterJPEG v2.0.0.3
【檔案大小】: 729 kB
【檔案格式】: RAR
【語言種類】: 英文
【檔案來源】: PS3@swf (轉貼、分流請保留檔案來源)
無損相片處理軟件 BetterJPEG 的主要特性是避免編輯及重新保存時對 JPEG 圖像造成的品質丟失問題,它的工作原理是保存時不重新壓縮未被更改的數據塊。BetterJPEG 提供了一些常見的相片處理功能,如:無損變形功能 - 旋轉及翻轉;無損裁剪功能;高度可自定義的 Exif 及文字插入功能(即Exif水印及落款水印);先進的無損紅眼移除功能;無損接管外部編輯器的數據;快速批處理功能;宏功能(類似 PS 中的腳本);多級撤銷與重做功能;可保持元數據。用戶第一次使用時按自己的需求定制若干宏,以後便可一勞永逸的在 BetterJPEG 的幫助下處理自己的相片!
BetterJPEG is a photo editor that was specifically designed to avoid re-compression loss when editing and re-saving photos. Usually every time, you open, edit and save a JPG file, it loses some quality due to re-compression of the file. BetterJPEG however only re-compresses the parts of the image that have been changed, allowing you to perform various operations with minimal or no quality loss at all. The features include lossless rotation, flip, crop (free or fixed aspect), lossless text insertion as well as red eye removal and more. The support for EXIF data as text insertion is pretty handy, as it allows you to enter information directly from the EXIF data into the image (e.g F-stop, date, exposure etc.) which can be used for reference or in combination with copyright notices.


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